Welcome to allphincemetery.org

Community cemetery established in 1854

Donated by Ransom Allphin in 1854.  Mr. Allphin died later that year and was the first person buried in the cemetery

The cemetery is maintained by the Allphin Cemetery Association, formed in 1966.  It has never been a part of a church, school or individual family.  A Texas Historical Marker was placed near the main entrance in 1979.

The original cemetery was expanded several times but was declared full in 2000 with all remaining space reserved.  The Annex, a 7.5 acre tract was purchased across Hwy 2346 and opened in 2000 with enough space to serve burial needs into the next century and beyond.

On December 11, 2017, the Board launched a campaign to modernize fencing around the two cemeteries.  The Allphin Cemetery Fence Fund was established and donations are being accepted.  The 5 ft high black vertical tube fence will be  a gorgeous sight as one comes sweeping around the FM 2346 curves. Watch for coming announcements.

This beautiful site located in the Elwood community of Midway, Madison County, Texas, is truly Holy Ground to the members with ancestors buried there.  A perpetual fund is maintained with friends and families encouraged to contribute regularly to ensure the upkeep of the facility forever.  The address is PO Box 172, Midway, TX 75852